Curta metragem.
Curta metragem.
(…) the everyday human gesture is always a heartbeat away from the miraculous – that ultimately we make things happen through our actions, way beyond our understanding or intention; that our seemingly small ordinary human acts have untold consequences; that what we do in this world means something; that we are not nothing; and that our most quotidian human actions by their nature burst the seams of our intent and spill meaningfully and radically through time and space, changing everything.
—Nick Cave, The Red Hand Files, resposta a Francis de Leeds, Reino Unido, em Dezembro de 2022.
It seems to me, that if we love, we grieve. That’s the deal. That’s the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable.
—Nick Cave, carta para uma fã chamada Cynthia em 2018 (via Letters of Note).
When I arrived at the airport I needed to have a piss so I stopped at the bathrooms and as I walked back out, in my tiny tracksuit, my giant white trainers and my bucket hat, there, walking toward me, was Charlie Watts of The Rolling Stones.
Nick Cave sobre Charlie Watts (The Red Hand Files, via Daring Fireball).